Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Mom (Nana), Gram (GG Nana), Lilija and I (and baby JJ Jr.) went to Maplewood Mall while the boys were hunting. They have a HUGE two tier carousel in the center of the mall. Mom took Lilija on it before we left. (I could barely watch. I get incredibly motion sick on rides that go in circles. Put me on a ride where I free-fall 350 feet and I'm good to go but a silly little circle ride will do me in!) Mom said that the entire time she was either saying "wee!" or "horsey...neigh!!" That was until she had to get off the ride and then Lilija must have thought the world was going to end right there because she had a major meltdown right in the middle of the mall. Oh to be a one and a half year old!

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