Thursday, November 4, 2010


Lilija was a horse...or a cowgirl and a horse. I found the outfit at a garage sale a month ago and she's been playing with it ever since. ("Horse goes really fast!" "Whoa horsey!" "Faster, horse, faster!") I'm going to have to try to get another picture of her in the getup because these pictures don't do it justice. Since Lilija was a horse, I was set on having Calah be a cow. Many of you know that we call her for the night she was Cowadactyl. :)

Our first stop was to see Grandma Sherri and Robert. They gave Lilija a cute treat bag and Calah a little bear. Funny because Lilija has to sleep with that bear now every night. Let's pause for a moment and cover the items that Lilija need to go to sleep:

1. Blanket
2. Dolly
3. Bear (pink)
4. Fish
5. Dolphin from Bapa (mind you, it's plastic)
6. 2 nuks
7. water
8. Singing bear

That was fun! So anyways...back to our story. Lilija is just in love with this singing bear but kept pushing the button, so I had to tell her that the bear was tired and needed to go to sleep. She didn't hit the button again...until the next morning when she said, "Yea! The bear isn't tired anymore!"

Next stop was to Nana and Bapa's. GG's, Andy, Trish, and Doolie were over at Mom and Dad's. Nana and Bapa got Lilija a puzzle (that she has mastered) and book. Our little Calah got a really cool teething toy. Those teeth should be coming in any day now!

After hanging out with family we took the girls trick-or-treating. Lilija absolutely loved it! And for us, it brought back fun memories of when we were kids and our parents were the ones reminding us to say "thank you." What a great night!

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